Seminar in EDP and Applied Mathematics

february 5, 2025 – 14h (Brazil)



About Seminars

Our Online Seminar is one of the most important events in Brazil, it has been held since August 2020, every Wednesday at 2 pm, Brasília time, with a frequency of 14 days. Two 40-minute lectures are presented in each session. Our speakers are world-renowned mathematicians from Europe, the United States and South America.

Featured Talks & Speakers

Calogero Vetro

Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Palermo-Italy

14:00h – 14:40h

General double phase functionals: recent results and applications

This seminar aims at discussing several recent results for double
phase problems. Motivated by Mingione’s work on functionals of double phasetype, such problems have become very popular in the context of anisotropicmodels exhibiting non-uniform ellipticity and nonstandard growth, in the senseof Zhikov and Marcellini. Starting from the basic functional framework andfollowing a consolidated approach, I will first discuss the Musielak-Orlicz spaceand the corresponding Sobolev space described by a double phase operator withlogarithmic perturbation, then I will present some existence results for weaksolutions to elliptic inclusion problems.

Vicentiu Radulescu

Institute of Mathematics of the Romanian Academy, Bucharest & AGH University of Krakow-Poland

14:50h – 15:30h

Normalized solutions, ground state solutions and beyond

Abstract. I shall discuss some basic classes of solutions of nonlinear PDEs, such as“normalized solutions” and “ground state solutions”. The content of my talk is based on the recent papers [1], [2]

and [3]. Some perspectives and related remarks will be given in the final part of this talk.
[1] D. Qin, V. Radulescu, X. Tang, Ground states and geometrically distinct solutions for periodic Choquard-Pekar equations, J. Differential Equations 275 (2021), 652-683.
[2] S. Chen, V. Radulescu, X. Tang, Multiple normalized solutions for the planar Schrodinger-Poisson system with critical exponential growth, Math. Z. 306 (2024), no. 3, Paper No. 50.
[3] S. Chen, D. Qin, V. Radulescu, X. Tang, Ground states for quasilinear equations of N-Laplacian type with critical exponential growth and lack of compactness, Science China Mathematics (2024), Paper 67.

About Organization

Juan Limaco -UFF-Coordenador
Mauro Rincon – UFRJ – Brazil
Anna Doubova-U.Sevilla-Spain

Luz de Teresa-UNAM Mexico

Diego Souza – U Sevilla -Spain

Felipe Chaves-UFPB-Brazil

Roberto Capistrano – UFPE Brazil 
Sandra Malta – LNCC – Brazil
Eduardo Cerpa – U.C – Chile
Giovani Figueiredo – UNB – Brazil
Marcia Federson USP,San Carlos –Brazil;
Maicon Correa – UNICAMP- Brazil

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