Seminar in EDP and Applied Mathematics

May 29, 2023 – 14h (Brazil)



About Seminars

Our Online Seminar is one of the most important events in Brazil, it has been held since August 2020, every Wednesday at 2 pm, Brasília time, with a frequency of 14 days. Two 40-minute lectures are presented in each session. Our speakers are world-renowned mathematicians from Europe, the United States and South America.

Featured Talks & Speakers

                                                              Giovany Figueiredo

Departamento de Matemática Universidade de Brasília – UNB,Brazil

  14:00h – 14:40h

A result of multiplicity of nontrivial solutions to an elliptic Kirchhoff-Boussinesq equation type in $\mathbb{R}^{N}$

In this work, using  Ljusternik-Schnirelman category theory, we study the existence and multiplicity of nontrivial solutions  for the following class of elliptic Kirchhoff-Boussinesq type problems given by

$$\varepsilon^4 \Delta^2 u \pm \varepsilon^p \Delta_p u + V(x)u=f(u) + \beta|u|^{2_{**}-2}u ~~\text{in}~~\mathbb{R}^N,\\ u \in H^2(\mathbb{R}^N),$$

where $\varepsilon>0$, $2<p<2^{*}=\frac{2N}{N-2}$,  $2_{**}=\frac{2N}{N-4}$ and $N\geq5$, $V:\mathbb{R}^N \to\mathbb{R}$ is a continuous function and $f:\mathbb{R} \to \mathbb{R}$ is a function of $C^{1}$ class. We consider the subcritical case, i.e, $\beta=0$ and critical case, i.e, $\beta=1$.


Marcone Pereira

Mathematics Department  IME-USP,Brazil

14:50h – 15:30h

Roughness-induced effects on a reaction-diffusion equation defined in a thin domain

 In this talk we discuss a reaction-diffusion problem in a thin plane region, endowed with a Robin-type boundary condition, which describes reactions catalyzed at the boundary. Motivated by microfluidic applications we allow, in principle, resonant rough behavior in which the amplitude and period of the roughness at the boundary have the same scale as the domain thickness.

Depending on the magnitude of the reaction mechanism given by the Robin condition, we obtain three distinct regimes via unfoulding operators. In particular, we identify the critical case in which the effects of domain geometry and all physically relevant aspects of the process are captured. This is a joint work with Prof. Igor Pazanin from the University of Zagreb and FAPESP postdoc Jean Carlos Nakasato.

About Organization

Juan Limaco -UFF-Coordenador
Mauro Rincon – UFRJ – Brazil
Anna Doubova-U.Sevilla-Spain

Luz de Teresa-UNAM Mexico

Diego Souza – U Sevilla -España

Felipe Chaves-UFPB-Brazil

Roberto Capistrano – UFPE Brazil 
Sandra Malta – LNCC – Brazil
Marcelo Cavalcanti – UEM – Brazil;
Rui Almeida – UBI – Portugal
Roxana Lopez – UNMSM – Peru;
Mauricio Sepulveda – UdeC -Chile;

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